Drinking with the gods
19 may - 7 november 2021
7 Nov 2021
Useful information
The exhibition Drinking with the Gods explores Antiquity, the founding period of the imaginary world of wine, until 7 November. Through a lively journey punctuated by contemporary sound and visual devices, it seeks to reveal the links established between wine, the gods and men in Greco-Roman civilisation. Come and dive into mythology and (re)discover extraordinary stories!
This exhibition is made possible thanks to the support of many patrons, and in particular the Exceptional patron Domaine Clarence Dillon, a family group that is an Honorary Builder Patron of the Cité du Vin.
Mythology, from antiquity to street art
Divine nectar, wine is also the drink of earthly banquets shared by men wishing to get closer to the gods. The exhibition lets us discover the many faces of Dionysus, the chief god of wine, and the wealth of rituals associated with him.
Nearly fifty works (including some exceptional loans from the Gandur Foundation for Art in Geneva, the Louvre Museum and the National Archaeological Museum of Athens) will reveal the rich mythology linked to wine and its ritual consumption during ancient festivals and banquets.
3 contemporary creations at the heart of the exhibition
At the invitation of the Foundation for Wine Culture and Civilisations, street artists MonkeyBird, Delphine Delas and Rouge will each create a monumental figurative work, echoing the ancient works exhibited. Fully integrated into the exhibition tour, these installations will present a contemporary reading of major myths that have rarely been represented (the myth of Ampelos, Dionysian festivals and Dionysos’ travels around the world).
These installations create a rich dialogue with the ancient pieces and witness to the imprint of antiquity on our imagination. A bridge between our eras that visitors are invited to discover until the end of November.
An exhibition produced by the Fondation pour la culture et les civilisations du vin with Jean-Yves Marin, museologist, and Isabelle Tassignon, curator, Fondation Gandur pour l'Art, Geneva, as scientific curators.
MonkeyBird is a collective resulting from a collaboration between two French artists. Investing urban spaces as well as institutions, they have made the mural their preferred means of expression. Inspired by sacred works such as illuminations, stained glass and Japanese prints, they transcribe social themes through the use of animal totems to represent the symbolism they want to express. For the exhibition, MonkeyBird will offer an interpretation of the myth of Ampelos.
Since 2014, Rouge has been developing a figurative practice - painting, drawing - which she deploys in city spaces and for exhibitions. She works in collage or mural, thus becoming part of contemporary urban art as heir to the fresco and the monument, and also by making urban space an outdoor territory of plastic and political exploration. For the exhibition, Rouge will offer an installation on Dionysian festivals.
Portrait d'artiste - Rouge
Delphine Delas questions our relationship with reality through a dreamlike and mythological world, in which nature dominates a humanity forced to undergo metamorphosis.
Her creations, made up of organic and minimal lines set against monochrome backgrounds, are populated by hybrid or deified characters/subjects, inspired by ancient civilisations or pagan rites. For the exhibition, Delphine Delas will focus on Dionysos’ travels around the world.
Portrait d'artiste - Delphine Delas
Photo gallery
Boire avec les dieux - Anaka - Cité du Vin
Boire avec les dieux - Anaka - Cité du Vin
Boire avec les dieux - Anaka - Cité du Vin
Boire avec les dieux - Anaka - Cité du Vin
Boire avec les dieux - Anaka - Cité du Vin
Boire avec les dieux - Anaka - Cité du Vin
Boire avec les dieux - Anaka - Cité du Vin
Boire avec les dieux - Anaka - Cité du Vin
Boire avec les dieux - Anaka - Cité du Vin
Boire avec les dieux - Anaka - Cité du Vin
Boire avec les dieux - Anaka - Cité du Vin
Boire avec les dieux - Anaka - Cité du Vin
Boire avec les dieux - Anaka - Cité du Vin
Boire avec les dieux - Anaka - Cité du Vin
With the exceptional participation of
Exceptional Patron : Domaine Clarence Dillon
Interview du Prince Robert de Luxembourg, mécène exceptionnel de l’exposition Boire avec les Dieux
Media partners
Around the exhibition
Discover all our online contents around the exhibition: podcasts, interview of the actors of the exhibition, video of the backstage... So many contents to discover in our Wine Culture library to prepare or extend your visit!
Past Temporary Exhibition
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Past Temporary Exhibition