Why support Cité du Vin

Cité du Vin is funded entirely by its own resources (ticket and shop sales, private hire) and by financing from patronage: a business model unique among French cultural institutions.

Patronage donations help to develop Cité du Vin’s annual cultural programme (temporary exhibitions, events, workshops etc.) and renew investment in the permanent exhibition.

Become a patron of Cité du Vin and help fund the Foundation’s cultural offerings by supporting one or more activities that are close to your heart: conference or tasting workshop series, temporary exhibitions, updating the permanent exhibition, or projects promoting accessibility, to name but a few.

parcours permanent

Projects to support

L'Appel de la Vigne

Support l'Appel de la Vigne, events held in the Auditorium of the Cité du Vin, to promote and raise the profile of the vine and wine professions.

By making a donation, you are contributing to an event that is open to a wide public and giving the men and women who make wine the opportunity to showcase their professions.

Support l'Appel de la vigne

Solidarity tickets

A solidarity ticket is a ticket offered through a donation, which allows remote pulbics to have access to culture.

By making a donation, you offer one or more solidarity tickets and allow remote audiences to have access to culture and come to the Cité du Vin.

Your donations will allow us to offer these tickets to local partner associations. These social associations will distribute your solidarity tickets to people and families in the region.

make a donation


Each patron supports part of the cultural season for the current year or the year to come. Depending on the amount of your donation, you can be associated with a theme of your choice from amongst Cité du Vin’s various cultural offerings.

Patronage to suit you:

  • Be associated with a universal cause, a culture and a way of life dating back millennia
  • Share your commitment with your staff
  • Have your company’s image associated with that of Cité du Vin
  • Get involved in the life of Cité du Vin and invite your teams, contacts and clients
  • Meet other active patron companies
  • Benefit from tax rebates thanks to your patronage: every donation is deductible from corporation tax at a rate of 60%, up to 5% of company turnover (Art. 238a of the French General Tax Code).

For more information, please contact us: mecenat@fondationccv.org 


Donor, friend and benefactor

Everyone can participate in the cultural influence of Cité du Vin.

On a personal level, you can contribute to the development of a rich and varied cultural programme throughout the year. Thanks to your donations, we are able to promote the diversity of the universal heritage of wine every day.

Several levels of donation are possible, free donation or Friend or Benefactor subscriptions, which give you access to numerous advantages.

Support us

American Friends of la Cité du Vin

Join the New-York-based group devoted to supporting Cité du Vin.

The American Friends of la Cité du Vin, a sister entity of the Foundation for wine culture and civilisations, was created in the USA and granted tax approval by the American government on 31 July 2014.

The mission of the American Friends is to promote Cité du Vin in the United States and showcase our shared cultural and universal heritage of wine. Its initial task was to collect donations from American patrons to fund the Thomas Jefferson Auditorium. Since Cité du Vin opened, its mission has also been to support the cultural seasons presented to the public each year.

American Friends of la Cité du Vin

Directrice du mécénat et du développement

+33 (0)547500612

1, esplanade de Pontac - 33300 Bordeaux - FRANCE
